Sunday, 1 May 2016

109 Walks 5th Edition bagging

So what does a 103 Hikes trail bagger do in the off-season? 109 Walks 5th edition of course!

I've been picking away at this book for decades, and I'm betting so have most Vancouverites (just without knowing it).  If you have walked in Stanley Park, Pacific Spirit or Lighthouse Park then yup,.. you're a 109 bagger.

Compiled by the same authors as 103Hikes, this publication focuses on trips generally less than 4 hours, with at worst moderate elevation gain (but don't be fooled you can hit "real hikes" in this book but most are urban parks).  Snow is rarely an issue for these, nor is doing them on a rainy day.  The "zone" covers Hope to Pemberton, and includes the Sunshine Coast.  There are new editions out, this version was written 16 years ago but as far as I know almost all trails are still usable.

At the time of writing this I'm 3.5 walks from completing the book. I've done most after work, and many are doable by anything but a road bike too. It is my intention to share the best finds from this book and post them here.

Left to go:
Goldie Lake109 Walks 5 ed.
Weaver Lake109 Walks 5 ed.
Saquatch Park109 Walks 5 ed.
South Elphinstone109 Walks 5 ed.